Health… Quote #7

Hej Everybody,

Health & Not Screwing It Up Quote #7 is up on Pinterest. This quote is a sibling to last week’s quote when it comes to research. Never rely on one source, combine all the resources and use many tactics when researching to make an informed decision on any topic. All with my awkward humor of course! Here you go:

If you want to get your finances in order while getting a few laughs in then I suggest ordering yourself a copy of my new book: Money & Why’d You Have To Spend It On That? Also if you have more spare time to fill, pick up a copy of Health & Not Screwing It Up while you are at it. Might as well get your health and finances in tip top shape. I will include a link to a blog that has all the links you need:

Also I wanted to let you guys know I have some small projects swirling around in my head that will manifest into a reality in the near future (hopefully... Life I am talking to ya!) for your awkward enjoyment. Stay tuned!

Enjoy! Have a good day! Pa pa!

How You Ask?…It’s An Awkward Thing.

Hej Everybody,

How are you today? 

You might be wondering, ” Harken, why go with Awkward?” Well in this blog I will tell you why I went Awkward Mode when it comes to my books and other writing. Now when I am using the term awkward, I mean more on the light-hearted weird traits us humans have. Some things these days have taken awkwardness too far and that’s coming from an awkward person. Oh! Here’s a fun game: Count how many times I mention the word AWKWARD in this blog and leave it in the comments below.


No it’s not a gimmick. I am a socially awkward person. Been like that since I was a little dziecko and I just grew into an Awkward Confidence. Am I that stand in the corner, hair in front of my face, possibly scare people away socially awkward?…Nie. I am more of the confident yet awkward person who is able to socialize somewhat normally in public, I just don’t like to. I do have my Big Gulps Huh?….Welp see you later! moments. Yes that is a Dumb and Dumber reference. Now that I think of it, I have a lot of those moments. So my awkwardness is more apt to make people laugh or cock their head in confusion. Either reaction I get a laugh, so I am a winner either way. Which goes into my next point:

2. It Brings Laughter

Whether it’s me laughing or you, my awkwardness tends to bring laughter. Confusion at 1st but then laughter proceeds. Unless you just don’t have that kind of humor then you will continue to stay confused.

3. It Can Break Other Awkward Barriers

Let’s face it, we have all been awkward or have had those awkward moments before. Don’t lie. Well when you run into confident awkward folk like myself it will neutralize the awkward awkwardness you were experiencing before that awkward Harken walked in to banish the original awkwardness. Ach! That sentence was awkward.

4. It Makes Others Feel Better About Their Awkwardness

Awkwardness can make people become shy. They may isolate themselves and not want to have to deal with the repercussions of their awkward side. Well when you have a Harken that embraces the awkward side of life, then the situations turns from weird to goofy…well it may still be weird but goofy has entered the mix. What does goofiness bring? Humor. And what does humor bring? Smiles and laughter. See my awkwardness is a great service to humanity.

5. Awkwardness Can Be Intriguing

I have been called many adjectives in my life but boring, dull, mundane…..nie. Being Intriguingly Awkward and confident with it can bring a certain spice to life. In a sense, a raw authenticity if this trait is innate to you. Not the people who overdo it to get attention, that’s just a pseudo awkwardness. Look at your pets. They have their awkward moments. Do they get embarrassed. Not at all. Does it bring you joy and laughter into your day. Of course! Well that’s a big purpose in my writings especially my books. Not only to give you some good healthy information but to bring some joy and laughter into your day.

So there are the main reasons why I chose the Awkward route. How I manage it you ask?… It’s an awkward thing. I don’t even know half the time. Let me know your fun awkward moments in the comments below. Whether you are an awkward person yourself or stern like a persian cat’s face, dzięki for reading.

If you want to get your finances in order while getting a few laughs in then I suggest ordering yourself a copy of my new book: Money & Why’d You Have To Spend It On That? Also if you have more spare time to fill, pick up a copy of Health & Not Screwing It Up while you are at it. Might as well get your health and finances in tip top shape. I will include a link to a blog that has all the links you need:

Okay, so what book am I going to suggest you read during a dull moment now. Hmmmmm…….. Let’s try:

How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger

This book discusses the one diet that can alter your chances for the better when it comes to the top disease-related killers in America all backed by science and evidence. Dr. Greger goes into how this diet not only prevents these diseases but can cure and even reverse many of these ailments. It is an easy and interesting read packed with facts to change your mind about your diet.

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“The primary reason diseases tend to run in families may be that diets tend to run in families.”

“Mother Nature’s powers cannot be stuffed into a pill.”

The above link is an Amazon Affiliates link which I get a percentage at no extra cost to you. Woo! But seriously, getting paid aside, this is an excellent read.

Enjoy! Have a good day! Pa pa!

The Day Has Come!

Hej Everybody,

How are you today? 

The day has come…..Da da da DAAAA!…Money & Why’d You Have To Spend It On That? is finally released on and

If you want to get your finances in order while getting a few laughs in then I suggest ordering yourself a copy. Also if you have more spare time to fill, pick up a copy of Health & Not Screwing It Up while you are at it. Might as well get your health and finances in tip top shape. I will include a link to a blog that has all the links you need:

In future blogs I may include some enjoyable reads to buy…yes other than my book….that are good to read on a rainy day. Or maybe not, I haven’t decided yet……if you can’t tell I am contemplating…….oh why not…..everyone should read more books. Yes the books made out of paper not on your phone. So my 1st choice will be the last book I read:

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

This book is about the attack on man’s mind and the role of it in society. As the great minds of society disappear one by one, the looters become more erratic wanting the same rewards these great mind’s have achieved but without putting in the hard work. As civilization and the country starts to crumble quickly the only thing one can ask is, “Who’s John Galt?”

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders – What would you tell him?”

I…don’t know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?”

To shrug.”

The above link is an Amazon Affiliates link which I get a percentage at no extra cost to you. Woo! But seriously, getting paid aside, this is an excellent read. Let me know have you read this book and did you enjoy it or perhaps you are the type to say, “Harken, I don’t read books silly.” Either way, dzięki for reading.

Enjoy! Have a good day! Pa pa!

Health… Quote #5

Hej Everybody,

Health & Not Screwing It Up Quote #5 is on Pinterest. You know when a method is going so smoothly? So what do you do with that method?…. NIE, put that hammer down, you!…. Stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken in the 1st place. That especially goes with upgrading material items that you didn’t need to begin with especially when your original item works totally fine. It’s a waste of money you could be saving or investing. My new book Money & Why’d You Have To Spend It On That? can give you more of an in depth explanation why. Don’t you just love me throwing my new book in your face every week?

Yes change is good in other ways and it can be very beneficial making you successful in many areas in life, but some situations, like material possessions, you have to remind yourself, “Why fix it if it isn’t broken.”

Also don’t forget to give yourself a Spring Equinox gift by ordering my book Money & Why’d You Have To Spend It On That? If you want to get a jump start on financial fitness and have a few laughs along the way you will enjoy this book. If you like these Intriguingly Awkward Quotes I am posting consider checking out Health & Not Screwing It Up. Links in the blog below:

Enjoy and Have A Good One!

Pa Pa!

Harken’s Top 5 Spices

Hej Everybody,

Seems like my blogs are updates more than anything so thought I’d throw in….well….a blog. So I will bring to you random Harken’s Top 5 blogs here and there. They will be random and possibly awkward. Awkward in the sense of make you laugh or…… Make you get up and back away from the screen slowly hoping I don’t catch on that you are actually backing up. How do I know you are slowly inching away. I don’t know…. It’s an Awkward Thing.

The 1st is my top 5 spices. They’re not in any particular order because each has their purpose.

Disclaimer: These are spices that I have found many personal healing benefits and though there is a lot of research out there regarding the healing benefits for spices and herbs, I am going off of my personal experience for your reading pleasure, hence you are liable for trying out a new approach to health. So if you get inspired by some of these spices for healing purposes and want to try it yourself, do the research and talk to a trusted professional who has your best interest at heart.

Okay enough seriousness Harken, get to the list already!

1. Garlic

Okay maybe I lied about order for this one because it is a favorite of mine. So why is Garlic on my list? Well I am going to tell you:

-It promotes circulation thus keeping me warm when it’s cold and preventing the numbing feeling that creeps up on me quicker than most.

-It’s my natural antibiotic….without the side effects. So the cold and flu beware when near!

-Helps relieve pain

-Boosts Immunity

-Plus it’s so darn good! I am that person doing the Slav Squat in front of the garbage can while peeling garlic cloves sneaking a bite of that raw yumness here and there. People usually do the whole double take thing when they encounter such a sight. Maybe it’s in my blood to love garlic. Who knows?

Other benefits include:

-Protects against radiation damage

-Helps absorb minerals

-Helps treat pneumonia

I eat a minimum of 2 cloves a day plus whatever I put in my food or recipes.

2. Turmeric

Ah this bright orange spice that stains everything in sight. What is it I like about you:

-Major pain reliever. Basically this is the main reason why I started taking it. It works wonders for sciatic nerve pain. Plus there are so many added benefits to this spice like anti-cancer properties so why not take it and the rest of these spices for cents a day?

Other benefits include:


-Helps speed recovery after surgery

-Promotes liver health and brain function

I put 2 teaspoons in my morning herbal tea daily along with black pepper. The piperine in black pepper helps the curcumin in turmeric absorb a lot quicker.

3. Ginger

This spice was used since I was a little dziecko. It is another one of my favorite flavors when it comes to spices. So here’s what Ginger does for me:

-Aids in stomach and digestive issues

-Aids circulation problems

-Combats inflammation

-Keeps me warm

-Good for nausea

-Great for alleviating cramps

Other benefits include:

-Detoxes the body

-Antivomiting agent

-Good for migraine relief

I don’t have a set measurement. I just sprinkle a bunch in my food and drinks throughout the day.

4. Cayenne Pepper

This spice took some getting used to but I have grown acquired to the hot taste. So what has this red spice offered:

-Pain reliever(capsaicin is the main component why)

-Aids in circulation

-Keeps me warm

-Like any spicy food: no more congestion

Other benefits include:

-Alleviates respiratory issues

-Relieves IBS symptoms

-Relief from headaches….Actually this with ginger helps my headaches and why it isn’t in the personal list, don’t ask me, but it’s staying put.

I put up to a teaspoon in my water(along with ginger) and then sip throughout the day. It surprisingly goes good with watered down apple cider vinegar.

5. Clove

I had no set reason in mind to buy this spice for health besides knowing it is great for so many ailments and functions in the body. Also I just wanted to add to my spice toolbox. Yes I literally have a toolbox full of spices. I call it my Kitchen Witch box. I thought that was catchy…..Harken stick to the point….. Plus clove has a nice strong taste that goes great with my teas and breakfast foods. I use it in my homemade toothpaste because of the oral health benefits.

Other benefits include:

-Increases libido…. Move over Viagra!


-Antioxidant packed

So you may ask, ” Harken, why spices?” Well I like the medicinal benefits and enhanced food flavor without the side effects medication gives you. That’s why. Lifestyle medicine. Check it out it’s a thing. A very good method may I add.

Well there you go. I will try to throw some of these random blogs out more often. That’s if life doesn’t keep piling on more work loads just to be funny. Life, Yous a funny folk, you know that? Maybe these blogs will amuse you. Maybe you will go “Ach!” and press the back button on your device. Either way dzięki for reading. Let me know what your top 5 spices are and why in the comments below.

Here are some sources to get you started if you are interested into researching more into these spices or health and lifestyle medicine:

Dr. Michael Greger’s:

How Not To Die

How Not To Diet

These are amazon affiliate links which I get paid at no extra cost to you. Woo! But seriously these are good and informative reads. Soon you will be going down the rabbit hole of health that will turn your brain upside down, side to side, and repeat. Are you talking about health or a rollercoaster Harken?

Also don’t forget to give yourself a Spring Equinox gift by pre-ordering my book Money & Why’d You Have To Spend It On That? If you want to get a jump start on financial fitness and have a few laughs along the way you will enjoy this book. Links in the blog below:

Enjoy and Have a good one! Pa pa!